Tips for filling in the application for forums

【a. Why do you want to participate in IDYF2016? (100-150 words)】
 I was born in Mongolia, a developing country located in Central Asia, which borders with only two countries: Russia and China. Our economy showed double digit percentage growth in short period that made us one of the fastest developing countries in the world. But in recent years, we are facing challenges from persistent economic imbalances. I believe that we have great potential to make better economy system and the key to reach it faster is cooperating and conducting with other countries. , By participating in IDYF 2016, we will get closer to the key not only by economic development but also by society development. It is a great opportunity for me to be a part of it.
【b. How can you use your experiences to contribute to IDYF2016? (200-250 words)】
 My everyday life was the reflection of the society that we have to work hard for what we believe. After I graduated my high school, I entered into “University of Finance and Economics” majoring accounting. I became the member of the Student Union of my university and I contributed to the Human Resource Department. We focused on how to let work the members more efficiently. To find the solution we cooperated using our individual skills and tried our best on not making personal conflict. Everybody has different opinions from different background which made it more interesting. But we had limited time and had to choose the most suitable solution. We faced one big problem that student union members had scarce time due to our school schedule and had to focus more on their lesson. We tried to find the solution for this problem and eventually came to a conclusion. We realized that we became members of student union to learn more and challenge ourselves. And for
  that reason, we asked teachers to give special lectures about business organization, society and other trend news. This concept made members to work more motivated and it helped us to see things clearly. I learned one of the basic tool to solve problems which will be essential in team work and I would like to use this and other tools in IDYF 2016. To find a solution we have to see back the base of the problem and analyse it with open minds to make creative decisions.
【c. Propose a solution for water pollution caused by industrial effluent. (200-300 words)】
 Half of the whole population of Mongolia lives in the capital city Ulaanbaatar due to over concentration. And 1992,250,000 tons of water were supplied daily from Tuul river, which runs through the southern part of the city. Construction industry is rapidly developing in Ulaanbaatar and the city is becoming full of tall buildings. Unfortunately there was a case that some construction companies threw their waste near the river and into the Tuul river. As a citizen of ulaanbatar I am totally aware of this situation. From my childhood, I visited Tuul river with my friends all the time and now I can the see the water color change by myself. Construction waste contains several chemical substances that is very dangerous for human health. I believe the government has to have strong point in environment regulations and also the construction company has to have social responsibility. I’m afraid that companies are only focusing on their profit and choosing the way that ha
s the least expense. But we also have to see the future and not only present time. If regulations are strict enough and also government gives tax reduction to those who follow the rules, I am sure these environment threats will rapidly decrease.
【d. How can youths realize environmental sustainability with local traditional industry? (Suppose that the local traditional industry is giving a negative impact on the local environment under the status quo.) (100-300 words)】
 Everything is changing rapidly everyday that the thing we used all the time is becoming less useful nowadays. Example, we used camera to take pictures but now we are using our cellphones to take pictures. As technology and our way of life changes, the society is being changed too. But one of the most important thing that still exits is environment. If traditional industry is impacting local environment, I think this is wrong. Tradition is a reminder that where we are from but I believe environment is more important.


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