
Showing posts from February, 2011

Та нар оронд нь байсан бол юу хийх байсан вэ?

8508 УБЗ дугаартай ЛАНД Крузер машины жолоочийн урдуур нэгэн хүүхэд гүйж өнгөрөхөд тэрээр шууд л машинаасаа гарч хүүхдийг үсэртэл нь алгадав. Тэр хүүхдийг аживал 10-11 насны 135-140см-н өндөртэй 2-3р ангийн бяцхан банди байна. Цохиулсандаа дэндүү цочирдсон ч юм уу ер уйлсан ч үгүй шууд л нэг л автобусруу гүйгээд оров. Ажиглагчийн үүднээс үзэхэд ёс зүйн хичээл үзэж байгаа миний хувьд дэндүү ёс зүйгүй үйлдэл мэт санагдлаа. Монголын нөхцөлд загнаж болох атал яагаад биед нь хүрэв? Тэр хүүхдэд цохиулж байхад ямар мэдрэмж төрсөн бол? Өөрт нь гэмтэл учирсан бол түүний ирээдүйд сөргөөр нөлөөлөх байсан.

Let me in

I've just watched a movie called 'let me in'; it's kind of horror or romantic. And I'm still thinking about this movie. Trying to find out what kind of feeling I got from this movie. Main plot is that a young-looked vampire girl is falling in love or getting his new helper boy who is 12 years old. She also looks the same age as the boy, telling themselves that they like each other. Most interesting thing is that the old man ,I thought he was her father, becomes the little boy who is on the picture with her. It means that the old man lived with her for his whole life, feeding her with fresh human blood he killed. Most pathetic thing is that he loves her, as I believe, and burn his face with acid then let the girl to suck his blood. Does it mean that the new little boy also has got the same fate as the old man. Now I can recall the feeling from the 'Shutter Island' is the same. I really want to meet with their author and ask how they got this idea.

The words I've never said

Sorry?! What do you feel when I say this word to you? Like apologizing or just trying to leave the misunderstanding with positive side? Recently, I've used this word as the second option; trying not to talk about the issue I'm running away. If I take a look at the issue it's not that hard just kind of messed big book shelf. All I need to do is put them in alphabetical order and sweep away the dust. What should I do now? Keep saying this word and run away or face it? Can I go over my feelings of shame?