
Showing posts from June, 2014

♫♪ ***Infinity [O~O] ♫♪♫♪ by Б.Батзаяа

♫♪ ***Infinity [O~O] ♫♪♫♪ I am flying... But not in the sky Much above than that. I am diving... But not in the sea Much lower than that. I am dying... But not the death you know Much beautiful than that. I am becoming alive... But not on the planet you know Much different than that. I am falling in love But not a person Music. 私は飛んでいる でも空じゃない もっと上に。 私は潜っている でも海じゃない もっと深いに。 私は死んでいる でも知っている死因じゃない もっとキレイに。 私は生きている でも地上じゃない ぜんぜん違うの。 私は愛に落ちている でも人間じゃない 音楽に。 Би нисэж байна... Гэхдээ тэнгэрийн уудамд биш Түүнээс бүр дээгүүр. Би шумбаж байна... Гэхдээ тэнгисийн гүнд биш Түүнээс бүр доогуур. Би үхэж байна... Гэхдээ чиний мэддэг үхлээр биш Түүнээс илүү сайхнаар. Би амь орж байна… Гэхдээ чиний мэддэг гараг дээр биш Түүнээс огт өөр ертөнцөд. Би дурлаж байна... Гэхдээ хүнд биш Хөгжимд л... Posted 1st December 2011 by Б.Батзаяа

My turn

My father tells me that everything actually is one. I never got it till now, what we see seem different for others but actually it is totally same. This is the elegant example what I'm trying to tell. Young woman and old woman. If you see young woman then imagine the her chin is the nose of the old woman. What you really believe is the another side of what other people. If you say something you are saying the one part of the theme. Everything is connected to this theory or whatever you want to say.  But here goes the another argument, but we are unique. Person like you never can be found again. Well it is like if you see sun, there has to be the shadow...  I tried to understand every people i was surrounded, i even forced myself. At the very moment of understanding others i almost forgot myself. I was in danger of becoming them. I was erasing all I had by understanding them and agreeing them.