Be stupid

Yesterday I visited Toastmasters Osaka which I happened to attend the Mongolian branch 2 years ago. I must say the Japanese english astonishes you (in sarcastic way) in lot of ways but never mind. Their speech style is kind of interesting, I mean their nature is sending message in indirect way as I believe. If your opinion is different from them they will not say it's different. They will try it in a lot different ways but my bad, I don't get them or don't want to get it...
Well going back to to my topic, one of the guys told his favourite moto as: Be stupid. Relating to the moto one of the guys said that its from famous writer and highlighted that he has pretty much adult mind. Well, in Mongolia its totally different being adulthood means making not mistakes... Well maybe the one had lack of english therefore might have misused the word "adulthood". But thinking back, I hadn't the chance of making mistakes. I always take advice from others expecting to face the smallest chance of failure. In some way, its not good idea... While you're being young you have to make mistakes to learn.
If my mom says don't touch the hot iron I will directly touch it and get burnt but learn not to make it again.


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