Let me be myself till my death

When i'm not being myself, remind me
When i'm affected by others and not being myself, remind me
Seems like born again to this reversed world
So afraid that unknowingly get used to this abstract world
That not just things so do people change
Today i might not be myself but don't forget who i am
World that only chases after charm that makes you want to believe noone
Remind me who i am wherever
Wherever they go, they always change themselves
Remind me who i am when i'm with whoever
I was born to make myself
I don't want to be like them
I will make my own world
I can't stand others wrong idea
Just for the temporary sunlight when i get doubted, don't leave me
Just then when my patience gone and my soul changes, chase after me
I'm not afraid to walk in the dark forest
I'm afraid to live with lie alone
I'm not afraid to stand against tornado
I'm afraid that i can't stand bad soul
Today i'll be myself
Tomorrow remind me
Like i was myself yesterday
Let me be myself till my death


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