Bi ahij uuruusuu urvahgui, huurahgui

Bi ahij uuruusuu urvahgui, huurahgui
Bugd buruu gesen ch bat zogssoor l baina
Buh zuild ahij tailbar tavihgui
Bugdeeree gaihsan ch shaltag toochihgui
Minii songoson zam zugeer l uur
Medehgui songolt hiisen ch, hiigeegui ch
Magadgui buruudsan, zuvdsun ch
Minii l songolt,
Hussen zamaaraa amidarmaar baina
Helsen ugendee ezen bolmoor baina
Haruulsan nulimsaa ahij gargamaargui baina
Hamtdaa baigaach gehed bie min l togtono
Setgel min ali hediin tengerluu nisch odson
Sansar ogtorguigaar toiron ayalj baigaa

I will never betray or fool myself again
I will stand up even others are against me
Will never explain anything
Will not tell excuse even others are surprised
My choice is different from others
Maybe the choice that I do know or don’t
Maybe that is right or wrong
My choice
I want to live by the choice I made
I want to carry out the promise I made
I don’t want to show my tears again
When you want me to stay, only my body will remain
Well my soul already flown away to sky
Wandering around space and infinity


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