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Everything, I am wearing and using, is made by man. My pants, shirts, telephones, tables, chairs, etc. There will be no beautiful buildings like Taj Mahal, Pyramid, Eiffel tower, Erdene zuu monastery, and Bogd Khan Museum if people did not exist. Country will not exist without people. I did research about the development of the country and found out that people is the main factor of it. Imagine your class is going to participate the dancing competition and more your classmates are good at dancing the more your class’s winning chance increases. Like that, if the education of people gets higher the country’s development level increases. Mongolia belongs to developing section but if we want to make it to developed country, we have to focus more on people’s education. Our country’s international communication has been improving in recent years. With the help of Millennium’s challenge organization and other local and international funds, the percent of the studying people is increasing and more people are studying abroad. Studying far from your home will make you independent decision maker and you will be fully responsible for yourself and for your actions. After your graduation, you will decide what to do next.
I have taken survey from 195 people who are from 15-25 years old and 65% has high school diploma, 31% is currently studying at high school and the left 4% has bachelor degree. I asked them what education is and some people answered people who is has lots of information and who is good at lesson but to remind you education is not all about it. If you do not use it correctly, having big amount of information is no use. Systematic information becomes knowledge and you use it to live positively. That is Education! I asked whether you will study again or not, 81% answered to yes, 10% says no and left 9% doesn’t know it. 63% is studying abroad including USA, Japan, Taiwan, Australia and 37% is studying in Mongolia. Korea soon revealed the main key of development. They sent many Koreans to study abroad and half of them came back. Nowadays top leaders are those people who came back. My survey shows that 76% will
come back, but the 13% will live abroad.


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