Dare it

Lady who is experienced in my work field told me that in work the most important character you need is Daring. Because in auditing, it is mainly focused with the accountants, because we are checking what they are doing. Besides I think I have to tell that auditing means to check whether your company, your accountant doing your job correctly or not. Going back to our topic I find this character, daring, is essential everywhere: studying, travelling...
Currently, I am studying in Japan away from my home. At first I faced lots of new things, therefore haven't realized this character is so important. But as time goes I became not confident in myself. In learning, friends and everywhere... I still can't figure out the reason, but I talked with my friend. Then I realized that before I came to Japan I never had fear. Fear to make mistakes, because I knew somehow my mistakes led me to better decisions and circumstances so I allowed myself to make them. On the other hand, in Japan teachers expect us to take 100% and no mistakes are allowed. The more I try to not to make mistakes, the more I eager to make them. From here, yet one conclusion can be made: the more you want something, the less you have. Because you put the limit so high but your performance is low, but at the beginning. But it's definite one day you'l realize you already passed that limit and now arising that level more more. 
If I hadn't daring, I even can't begin and continue... During discussion about anything, lots of people will mention how it can not be done, someone will even impress you with pessimism. At that time, reflect it as challenge and if you can do it you'll become much better "You're improving yourself". 
First step done, you began it and now the funniest thing is lest "Do". If you see a person who's riding a lion, you'll think he/she is great and left astonished. But the one who is riding will think "What the hell I am doing". The main thing is don't quit. It you stop it means you've wasted time till now and maybe instead of doing this there might be another thing you've already accomplished.
So dare it, do it and don't give up.


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