
Yesterday me and my friend who has same school as me went to senpai for overnight. Even all three of us are from different countries, we like one thing "Travelling". We chose the this major and probably for this reason we have same dream visiting new places and making new friends.
Even it is the second time I met the senpai, I felt like I'm with my old friend. I've spent almost 5 months with my friend but just one night seemed like opening my mind...
No matter where we came from, what we did; if you have the same goal we become one.
The thing I wanted to say is that... In the morning we went back to our dorm and it was the first time of meeting Japanese busy morning. And it was just the same as on movies so many people and everybody was rushing. Comparing to Mongolia, Japanese population is too much. The whole population is less than the people in Osaka... And I looked at their faces and all were so busy thinking of something else. It was very touching to think that they're just like me. But then there were so many people and i felt like no space for me.
To make your own space, yourself we do something. So many needs but less supply and everybody wants something. Maybe for this reason we try to be better that others...


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