Down to earth

I sometimes get confused when I read articles and news from Mongolia which is emphasises that everything is going wrong. Criticising all the time from their points. Maybe it is right despite the fact that 0.00001% readers will change it while others getting depressed like me. Probably thats the reason why I don't pay my attention to Mongolia. But sometimes I blame myself, because still it is my home country where I born and will die.
Population of Mongolia is approximately 3 million and multiply it by the percentage, about 0.3 people will change it. But it is still good right that someone is changing it. But my point is that: Will you do something if someone demanded you? Or beg you? From my life experience the second one will be found in common.
So instead of showing depressing things why not show the bright things even it is small. New things being built, someone's helping others.... I won't resist that theres someone writing positive things, but they are few.
We need more people who can see from positive sides. I believe people live for better future and just listening something nice happened to others make me happy. And give the energy to survive for whole day.


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