
Showing posts from September, 2013


Melody is the most beautiful thing in this world, it can tell others what you feel but can't express with words. When you feel down, listen happy music and it makes you feel better. After listening to sad song, you feel sadness even you were super happy. It has power in it to change or make you see things you can't. I know a person who is strong like diamond, in my whole life I never see that person cry, maybe once. It's been 5 months since I departed and we talk every time, no motion is detected till I played a song for that person. My words weren't enough to touch that one's heart but my music was... My father made me take piano class and for the first three years there were few times I enjoyed it. But then I began to like it because it made me relaxed. When I study and feel tired, listening music makes me feel energetic and gives the time to study again.


Haaya ene yertunc yagaad bii bolson, bi yagaad baigaa geed l bodood ehleheer amidral ih utgagui sanagdaad ehlene shuu, yalanguya ter uy ni yag shurshuurt orsnii daraa. Ug ni bi chine hicheel nomnoos uur hiih zuil baidgui hernee ter zuild neg medehed l zav gargachihsan 4 davhraas usreh oirhon sanagdaad l baidiin... haha, maazarsiin. Odoo tegeed userchihvel daraa ni ter hotsorson hicheelee nuhuh gej bur balaig ni avah bailgui. Bi chin gertee muuhai aashtai, tumur hatagtai baisan yumsan, hen negen uilj baival barag l yagaad uilaad baigaan geed zagnaad zogsdog hevshiltei hun baisan yumsan. Getel odoo nas yavaad zuulun bolsnuu yasan, neg yum bolloo l ene nudnees davstai us garaad l baih yum. Ih ineelee urslaa, gomdloo urslaa, uurlalaa urslaa. Gehdee bas ene biyiin butciig zohioson hund talarhmaar baigaaa yum shuu. Ene shorvog zuiliig gargasnii daraa setgel hichneen saihan bolood, 5 minutiin umnu barag l amidral min duusah gej baina gej bodson zuil ineedtei zuil met sanagdana. Ingeed l tumu...

Монгол ээжүүдээ бишрэлээ

Манайх гэртээ засвар хийж байгаа ба гэртээ ойр зуурын хэдэн зүйл хямдхан авахаар Эрээн тэргүүн хатагтай болон нагац 2 эгчтэйгээ явлаа. Гэрт анх удаа л гэрийн 2 ноён нуруу болох аав, дүү хоёроо үлдээгээд арцаа уугуулаад, дүүгээ үнсээд л гарлаа. Замдаа барс-р дайраад замд идэх хэд хэдэн зүйл авч Вокзал ортол тэргүүн хатагтайн дүү ирчихсэн "Барс орох гэсэн хүү зам түгжрэлтэй байна гээд үлдээгээд явчихлаа" гээд хөхрөөд угтаж авлаа. Нагац эгч их хөгжилтөй үнэхээр тэр хүнийг хараад өөрийн эрхгүй амьд хүн аргатай гэдэг үг л дотор орж ирнэ. Ямар ч хүнтэй танилцаад үг алдуулчихсан л сууж байна. Удалгүй тэргүүн хатагтайн эгч нь тамхиа зуучихсан баавнаг атман шинжтэй батман-ы нөмрөг шиг цамц өмсчихсөн ирлээ. Ингээд бид 4-н аялал эхлэлээ.... Манай купе тэр вагондоо л дажгүй агааржуулалттай, өрөөний цонх болон коридорын цонх нээлттэй. Гэм нь цонхоо л хаах юм бол айхтар халуун болж тэргүүн хатагтай болон батвүмений даралт нь ихсэнэ. Ингээд Долдой бид 2 дээр орон дээр унтах боллоо. Яг с...

Аав бид 2

Би: Технологийн инженер гэж юу ын? Аав: Технологи гэж аливаа зүйлд химийн болон физикийн өөрчлөлт гарахыг хэлнэ ээ. Хатаалгаас мод зөөлөө, мод хатаалааа аль нь үйлдвэрийн эсвэл технологийн өөрчлөлт вэ? Би: Технологийн инженер гэж юу юм вэ? Аав: Би чамд тайлбарлаад байна шүү дээ. Би: Та надад зүгээр л хэлээд өгчих. Аав: Би чиний юу мэдэж байгааг, мэдэхгүй байгааг мэдэхгүй. Өөрөө сайн судлаад үз. Би: Та надад зүгээр л хэлээд өгчих л дөө. Яагаад ингээд байгаан. Аав: Би юмыг өнгөц тайлбарладаггүй. Би: Хоёулаа 19 жил хамт амьдарчихаад яагаад ийм өөр юм вэ? Аав: Хоёулаа өөр хүмүүс болохоор.

Fame of Family

Toastmaster Mongolia, #1 Icebreaker Speech: To some of you this might sound illogical, comparing fame with family. But this is the thing I used to fight for a long time, for the last 14 years. In kindergarten, I didn't have major duties to accomplish except sleeping, playing, eating, disturbing... and sleeping, playing, eating, disturbing... And till school time everything was processing like this. At the very first day of the first grade, I received one "ODD" thing called homework. You may not do it unless you want to be blamed by your teacher and get bad marks. I didn't like the second title "Bad Student" and begun to do home works. Instead of spending time with your family like spoiling you'll be sitting alone and performing related works.

To kill a mockingbird

As my wish to meet with new adventures I chose quiet few books and one of them is "To kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee. Main character is young missus Jean Claudie who is 6 years old, lives with her father Atticus Finch and her brother. My very first opinion was what kind of child I was in here age. She is very critical and honest character, and I would advise young parents to read it because Atticus is the best. He hides nothing from his children, instead of telling them that you are too young to understand it he explains as much as he can. And give them freedom to think by themselves at the very young age which I found it marvelous.


Yesterday me and my friend who has same school as me went to senpai for overnight. Even all three of us are from different countries, we like one thing "Travelling". We chose the this major and probably for this reason we have same dream visiting new places and making new friends. Even it is the second time I met the senpai, I felt like I'm with my old friend. I've spent almost 5 months with my friend but just one night seemed like opening my mind... No matter where we came from, what we did; if you have the same goal we become one. The thing I wanted to say is that... In the morning we went back to our dorm and it was the first time of meeting Japanese busy morning. And it was just the same as on movies so many people and everybody was rushing. Comparing to Mongolia, Japanese population is too much. The whole population is less than the people in Osaka... And I looked at their faces and all were so busy thinking of something else. It was very touching to think tha...


Eej min namaig teverch baina gej zuudellee Engertee hichneen changa teverch baina geech Ene zuud gedgiig medeed boliuluuhiig hicheesen ch Eej min namaig tevreed l baisan, Helehees aij zugtaj baisan ugs min nulimsaar ursaj, Hichneen taniruu guigeed ochihiig husevch chadahgui ni, Hen ch namaig bitgii yav gej heleegui ch, Hen yu ni medehgui neg zuil togtoosoor baina, Ter togtooj baigaa zuil ni, Taniig bayarluulah gesen setgel yum bolov uu, Ta min bayarlaj baigaa ch gesen, Taniig baihgui bolchih vii gej urgelj aih yum, Tursun bolgon yavdag uchirtai horvoo ch, Tiim zuil nadtai lav bolohgui, Ta yavah ter uyed, Tanitai zeregceed bi ch yavah bolno eejee.

New dream

I was walking with my friend and released that I'm type of talkative... Therefore decided to show what I can do with my achievements. From now on I'll decrease the use of Facebook (deleted the application from my phone), run triple a week, no eating after 7 p.m and attend Toastmasters club with Cooking club. Till the big japanese test I have 3 months, somehow I'll be stressed. So instead of releasing it by my mouth I'll use my hand. Who knows one day I'll be a great writer!!! I really want to give a try to Oxford university, when I child I was dreaming of Harvard but now I think Oxford has more chance. So start my research for graduate program, if I can enter it with my 2 friends... oh Shit!!! It will be awesome!!! Bye for now!!! WORK HARD, PLAY HARDER.

Down to earth

I sometimes get confused when I read articles and news from Mongolia which is emphasises that everything is going wrong. Criticising all the time from their points. Maybe it is right despite the fact that 0.00001% readers will change it while others getting depressed like me. Probably thats the reason why I don't pay my attention to Mongolia. But sometimes I blame myself, because still it is my home country where I born and will die. Population of Mongolia is approximately 3 million and multiply it by the percentage, about 0.3 people will change it. But it is still good right that someone is changing it. But my point is that: Will you do something if someone demanded you? Or beg you? From my life experience the second one will be found in common. So instead of showing depressing things why not show the bright things even it is small. New things being built, someone's helping others.... I won't resist that theres someone writing positive things, but they are few. We need...