Relentless. Simon Kernick

Guess it's my first thick american book. I needed to read this book for my English class.

Well it's about a man who is referred to the author Simon kernick. He thought himself as the main character. he lives with his 2 children and his wife and one day found out that group of people are trying to find him cause of his old friend who had affair with his wife. but the old friend find himself guilty and stopped the affair. Amazingly, his wife then got affair with her female friend.....

Main plot is like this. his wife was meeting with his old friend at his house. then bell rang and he went downstairs and she heard the awful sound shouting and then he escaped tried to protect from not being captured from the 2nd floors clothes shelf. while he escaping to the woods and being killed she escaped. they chased after her to her work place and found her friend and killed accidently. then they both try to escape and with the help of the good cop they survive.

if you need more info, send @ to my address6


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